10 Biggest Questions The Last Kingdom Movie & Series Left Unanswered Based on the novel series Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell, The Last Kingdom concluded after...
A Decade On: Revisiting Thor: The Dark World 2013 saw a transformation for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the help of new owners in Disney, the...
Zack Snyder Hopes To Reshoot The Ending Of One Of His Most Controversial Movies With Main Cast Director Zack Snyder wants to return to his controversial...
Jacob The Baker in the Spotlight: A Film Threat Review Directed and co-written by Geb Miron, Jacob the Baker is based on the bestselling novel by...
Star Wars’ Most Exciting Rebel Alliance Theory Is Even More Likely After Jedi: Survivor Thanks to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a popular Star Wars theory could...
Everything We Know About Blue Beetle 2 After the release of Blue Beetle by DCU, the question naturally arises whether there will be a sequel that...
DC Unveils Wonder Woman’s Homeland’s Dark Origins New Year’s Eve and horror movies – a truly fascinating combination. Although New Year’s Eve is usually associated with...
The Meg 2 Dolby Poster Teases The Chilling Size Of New Megalodon The Dolby Cinema poster for The Meg 2: The Trench highlights the size of...
Mickey Haller Is Different From Matthew McConaughey In The Lincoln Lawyer has a number of characteristics that set him apart from the previous live-action version of...
Marvel's Kevin Feige confirms leader of MCU's Thunderbolts Thanks to a new interview, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has revealed which hero could lead the MCU's...