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New Star Wars Movie Is The Closest We’ll Get To George Lucas’ Wildest Sequel Plan



New Star Wars Movie Is The Closest We’ll Get To George Lucas’ Wildest Sequel Plan

While George Lucas’s wildest sequel plans never came to fruition under Disney, the new Star Wars film is a great opportunity to incorporate some of his unused ideas. With the Skywalker Saga drawing to a close, the upcoming solo films will allow Lucas more freedom to develop and explore new ideas, including concepts he wanted to explore in his version of the sequel trilogy. This will allow the next Star Wars film to deliver a more unique and complete story that Lucas never got to fully flesh out. Of course, it’s no secret that many of Lucas’ ideas are controversial among Star Wars fans. Lucas is praised for his wild imagination and for finding new ways to expand the Star Wars universe, but his wild ideas often meet with backlash. This is one of the reasons why Disney decided not to use his designs in the sequel trilogy, a decision that Disney was very disappointed in. However, Disney’s attitude towards Lucas changed in the wake of Star Wars, the next movie can successfully integrate a concept that would have played a key role in his version of the sequel trilogy.

George Lucas Planned To Explore The Microbiotic World Of The Force

New Star Wars

Lucas introduced a biological element to the Force when he created the midi-chlorians in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Qui-Gon Jinn describes midi-chlorians as microscopic life forms that form a symbiotic relationship with their host, which is why the Jedi know the Force. Most importantly, the midi-chlorians “are always speaking to us, transmitting the will of the Force,” and that’s what Lucas focused on in his version of the sequel trilogy. Will’s diary has been a part of Star Wars since the 1976 novelization of the original film, and Lucas wanted to finally explain what Will was. In an interview for film director James Cameron’s miniseries James Cameron’s Science Fiction Stories, Lucas explained that the sequel trilogy would be “an immersion in the world of microbes.” He described the Will as “the ones who actually rule the universe.” They feed on power. It would be taken literally that the midi-chlorians convey the will of the Force to the Jedi. Will is the Force in its broadest sense.” Lucas’ explanation of will and midi-chlorians was to redefine the Force and build on ideas from the prequel trilogy, but these plans were abandoned for Disney’s sequel trilogy.

Why George Lucas’ Wild Sequel Plans Were Never Used

Lucas has made clear his frustration with Disney’s Star Wars films going in a different direction than he planned, but is keenly aware of why they were moving forward. His followers were never deployed. The Star Wars prequel trilogy was heavily criticized upon its initial release, with its midi-chlorian concept being particularly controversial. Many fans felt that a biological explanation for the powers of the original trilogy negated their mysticism and spirituality, but Lucas himself did not agree with this criticism. Nevertheless, Lucas has cited fan reaction to The Phantom Menace as the main reason his plans never came to fruition. Lucas said that this is the approach he would take if he remained at the helm of Lucasfilm, but added, “A lot of fans will hate him, just like they did with The Phantom Menace and others, but at least the whole story will be told from beginning to end.” Lucas has said in other interviews that Disney is interested in making classic films that return to the style of the original trilogy, which, combined with initial fan reaction to the prequels, means that they have decided not to use Lucas’ ideas.

James Mangold’s Star Wars Movie Can Build On George Lucas’ Sequel Plans

While the sequel may not have adopted Lucas’s plan, the film The Dawn of the Jedi, directed by James Mangold, could build on his ideas about the Force. Since the film focuses on the origins of the Jedi, the story would be perfect to explore how the Jedi first came into contact with the Force thanks to midi-chlorians. While the film probably won’t explore the microbial world of the Force as Lucas did, it still manages to delve into the Whills and their interactions with the galaxy. In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the Whills’ Guardians were introduced, which means Disney could include other groups in the story alongside the Jedi. Even if the filmmakers don’t want to involve midi-chlorians, the Whills are an interesting concept worth further exploration. These are some of Lucas’ oldest ideas, but have never been fully explored in the Star Wars saga, so seeing them in Mangold’s film would be very satisfying for fans. Each new Star Wars movie adds new elements to the Force and Jedi history, and Whills would help the dawn of the Jedi era stand out from the crowd. Lucas’ midi-chlorian plans may have been too far-fetched for Disney’s sequel trilogy, but the new Star Wars movies are free to explore these concepts in their stories.

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